What is it?

Notifly is a reminder app that allows users to connect with contacts in their phone.

Problem Statement

In a society where you need to work, socialize, exercise, buy groceries, service vehicles, pay bills & take care of children or pets it can be easy to forget simple everyday tasks. A lot of people not only have to remember their own checklist for the day but oftentimes the schedules of others around them like children or a spouse. Without proper planning, these tasks can easily overlap, be forgotten, or feel overwhelming. 

The Solution

A reminder app that allows you to connect with close friends & family. The easy-to-navigate menu feels familiar & intuitive, saving users time & a headache. Users can now remind up to 10 different contacts at a time for upcoming events preventing miscommunication issues & ensures everyone gets sent the notification.


User Interviews

I was able to conduct interviews with 10 active participants. I had a couple of main objectives. First, I wanted to find out what they were currently using to remind themselves of upcoming events & secondly I wanted to find out how they interacted with others when needing to remind someone else of an event. All the participants used some form of a calendar. Some preferred physical out of habit, while others enjoyed digital for the scheduling components(date, time, how many reminders). They all had an instance in which they forgot to do something which resulted in a negative consequence. In asking them about reminding others around them, most of them stated they would send some form of group message or call the person. After conducting the interviews, I created a quick data point to showcase what my targeted audience is currently using.


Competitive Analysis

I started combing through each of the apps that were mentioned in my interviews. I wanted to see if they repeated or shared any design patterns & how they differentiated. I also wanted to see how they utilized space & presented all the options needed when creating a reminder app.

User Persona

The main goal of this app is to give the users the ability to connect. I wanted to create a persona of someone that would really benefit from the app. One of the most ideal users would be a parent due to the multiple schedules they regularly coordinate. Below is a breakdown of what the user’s day-to-day would look like with her goals, frustrations & motivations added in.


Task Flow

In order to collect my thoughts & put them to paper, I needed to map out a task flow for the user. In this project, I wanted to create a scenario in which a user invited their family members for a dinner. Below are the steps they will take.



I was now ready to start designing the wireframes for my project. I wanted to keep to my plan of creating an app that feels familiar & simple but still covers all the user needs. I decided I would build it out with a heavy influence from both the iPhone Reminder app & a calendar app. There were elements that I enjoyed from both but definitely room to improve for each as well.

Throughout my research, it became clear that I wanted the CTA to be very easy to find and understand. I referenced the iPhone reminder app to get an idea of structure & flow. From there I used a combination of my interview data & competitive analysis. Below are the wireframe screens for the project.


Usability Testing

After finishing the final templates, I was able to bring in 5 different users to test out the navigation & give me feedback on the designs. I ended up making a handful of adjustments to different font sizes & icons and alignment. For the screens below I moved the “Save” & “Cancel” buttons down to better fit an iPhone screen. I adjusted the distance between buttons to be consistent across all screens & then replaced the “+” sign with a checkmark. I changed the color of the text to dark grey instead of fully black.


Completed Project

One of the biggest challenges I had with this project was creating familiarity while remaining unique & innovative. It helped push me in a lot of different ways & rely heavily on my competitive analysis research. If given this project again I think I would conduct even more research to pull from (mine was influenced primarily by Apple products). The more information I had, the easier the designs became. I think I’m most proud of how straightforward the app is. I wanted any user to be able to pull up the app & instantly know how to navigate it. I think the next step for ensuring the success of this app would be to continue hosting usability testing. Gather feedback on bugs or specific needs from the user & make data-driven decisions. Overall this project was another great learning experience & pushed me to become a better designer and to lean on the research.



Notifly /



A project in which I created a social feature for the digital art app: Procreate.


An online store for an all-ages clothing company. Tasked with designing the logo, color scheme & font.